ホームSportsSmooth till the end 😯 (via s1ckname/Instagram) #shorts 2022年12月5日 SHARE ツイート シェア はてブ LINE Pocket instagramSmooth till the end 😯 (via s1ckname/Instagram) #shorts10 COMMENTS Future Sense 2022年12月5日Old man would’ve been served a two piece and a biscuit that day 返信する EvanoBRO 2022年12月5日Gramps might of just got back from the hospital 🏥, so long grandma 👵 😪 🤣 返信する NasaPeepo 2022年12月5日I would have forgotten “respect your elders” if that happened to me for a moment. 返信する Rick H 2022年12月5日Some people be walking around looking for a fight. 返信する corey driggers 2022年12月5日That could be a crime, he could have caused an injury. Smh 返信する BlueStorm 2022年12月5日Gramps was real angry there lol 返信する S Toft 2022年12月5日The old guy no concern if he injured the young man. Gramp’s a pos. 返信する NJRdgz 2022年12月5日That is aggravated assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm…the video is all you need for a class Action lawsuit 返信する Glen King 2022年12月5日You should have followed through with that upper cut, Haadooken. 返信する IamI3rian 2022年12月5日Free dental work for that old man. Got his teeth handed to him. 返信するコメントを残す コメントをキャンセルメールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目ですコメント *名前 * メール * サイト 次回のコメントで使用するためブラウザーに自分の名前、メールアドレス、サイトを保存する。上に表示された文字を入力してください。 Δ
NasaPeepo 2022年12月5日I would have forgotten “respect your elders” if that happened to me for a moment. 返信する
NJRdgz 2022年12月5日That is aggravated assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm…the video is all you need for a class Action lawsuit 返信する
Old man would’ve been served a two piece and a biscuit that day
Gramps might of just got back from the hospital 🏥, so long grandma 👵 😪 🤣
I would have forgotten “respect your elders” if that happened to me for a moment.
Some people be walking around looking for a fight.
That could be a crime, he could have caused an injury. Smh
Gramps was real angry there lol
The old guy no concern if he injured the young man. Gramp’s a pos.
That is aggravated assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm…the video is all you need for a class Action lawsuit
You should have followed through with that upper cut, Haadooken.
Free dental work for that old man. Got his teeth handed to him.